Bearing more than a passing resemblance to the 'dating simulation' on this CD, this at least tries to be more educational. Strolling around the streets of Tokyo, you are Turbo Honda (I'm not kidding), and seem to consider yourself quite the smooth talker. In fact, when you bump into a girl from New York, you can't help yourself but to help her out. She's hardly a stunner, but with a name like Turbo Honda, you can't really be all that fussy. All of the spoken dialogue and much of the text is in English (which is where the educational element comes in, at least of the intended audience) and you will find yourself doing your best to chat up this Plain Jane by choosing the right options.

She's not going to be a pushover though. In fact, she's a bit creepy as she insists on constantly asking you questions about New York before she will continue the date. At the end of the evening, you spend a romantic time on top of Tokyo Tower where her questioning nature seriously makes you consider pushing her off. Finally, you get a rating of your 'New Yorker Level' which is expressed in the form of a wild animal (don't ask, I've had a giraffe and a monkey already). Then you say your goodbyes, unless you were really good and she invites you to her hotel room. At this point the whole thing is getting interesting, so naturally that's where the game ends.